ReImagining child safety
Keeping children safe online.
Research has shown that children as young as six are being exposed to pop-up porn while viewing Peppa Pig and other cartoons. Many children recall experiences of watching Peppa Pig online or other shows and suddenly being confronted with pornographic versions of the animation.
Working with Sky, we wanted to create a safe environment where children could watch TV safely through their App.
The Challenge: Get parents to download the child-safe app from the App Store.
The Behavioural Solution:
Cowry’s team of Behavioural Designers and Choice Architects redesigned the registration process and the sign-up screen using 26 nudges that reduced friction and unintended sludge.
Ambiguity Aversion - removing an ambiguous spinning wheel loading icon and replacing with a progress bar that fills in real time to effectively manage user's expectations and increase their willingness to complete the journey.
Saliency – reducing the salience of the ‘Cancel’ button makes the ‘Create Sky iD’ button more attention-grabbing, increasing users’ preference to register.
Size Congruency – reducing the size of the ‘Cancel’ button gives it less importance in the hierarchy and shows that fewer customers take that action.
Commitment Bias –changing the language on the ‘Cancel’ button to ‘Back’ limits the sense that the user is committing to cancelling their registration, making it feel easy to return to the process later on.